donderdag, april 26, 2007


Tomorrow around 09:30 the Ferry "Friesland" departs for Terschelling...
And we will be on it!
One week relaxing on the wonderfull Waddenzee island.

The Lighttower "Brandaris" , first building to be seen, when the ferry rounds the long curve in the waterway between the shallows and sealfilled-sandplates of the Waddenzee.

One week of bicycling, dune-strolling, seashore-sniffing, sandcastle-building, sunbathing, fantasy-reading, pubterras-beer-sipping, family-togetherness and relaxing...

One week of tranquillity and inertness on this PhotoBlog...!
Hope you will manage without...;-)
Take care...
Until next week!

woensdag, april 25, 2007

Did I mention...

we have a new ambulance at work??
At station Beilen of the UMCG Ambulancezorg (thats where I work) the old (four years and 307.000km) Chevrolet Van was replaced bij the slightly smaller but hypermodern Volkswagen T5 Ambulance.
Acceleration of this new baby is x times faster compared to the "Heavy Chevy..."
Handling and behavior are much better , so are economy and noise isolation.
And the strobes and flashlights are really working! L.E.D. technology!
The front headlight is so bright that vehicles see us from a-far and give us clear passage while going to a Priority One call...
Who needs a three tone horn now...?

Amsterdammed Part III

Damstraat, Amsterdam...

maandag, april 23, 2007

Energy x 2

Sunrise and Naturalgas-site ; countryside of Eastern Groningen...

zondag, april 22, 2007

Amsterdammed Part II


zaterdag, april 21, 2007

Amsterdammed Part I

Waiting for the Underground...
I spotted this Cat in high boots...
A big City is a goldmine for exotic people and lots of photo-oppertuneties...


Yesterday was Fotovakschoolday...
We went on excursion to Amsterdam...
Foam, Fotografic Museum Amsterdam.
James Nachtwey had an exposition...
Pictures of war, famine and human suffering...
Makes a great man humble, makes a small man crumble...

donderdag, april 19, 2007

Winkel van Sinkel Deel I

Een nieuwe opdracht van de Fotovakschool,
Maak een foto van een bijzondere, of ouderwetse winkel, met de eigenaar achter de toonbank...

Om de een of andere duistere reden wilden de meeste winkeleigenaren persé niet op de foto...(heb ik weer!) zal wel an me kop ligge...
Hier de propvolle winkel Vision Toys in de Poelestraat te Groningen
Alles voor uw Collectibles, Comics, Anime, Gaming.
De beide heren waren zeer bereidwillig om mee te werken aan het Winkel van Sinkelproject...

A New assignment from the Fotovakschool...
Take a picture of an exeptional, or old fashionned shop, with its owner(s) visible behind the counter.
Somehow most shopowners refused to have their picture taken...
Here the Fantasyshop Vision Toys in Groningen City.
Collectibles, Comics, Anime, Gaming.
These two gentlemen were not afraid of the camera!

dinsdag, april 17, 2007

How to make Orangejuice...for Aliens!

Fotovakschool Assignment :
Make a manual for a daily activity, in such a way that an Alien can understand and reproduce...

R.I.P. Part II

Another colourful inside view of the Cardboardpaper factory...

maandag, april 16, 2007

More Animalhousing...

From the forlast Fotovakschool session...

zondag, april 15, 2007

Ooooh, lets catch that Sun!

Shot in Venice some time ago...

donderdag, april 12, 2007

R.I.P part I

The old Cartonboardpaper factory near Winschoten has been abandonned for decades...
Currently it is being cleaned-up...
I sneaked past the fences and shot some pics of what is left of the former splendour...

dinsdag, april 10, 2007


Autumn is beautifull too!

zondag, april 08, 2007

Voila... 'l Escargo!

Last friday we did some experimenting on the tabletop.
Philip had a bright idea of illuminating the snailshouse from beneath with a little flashlight.
Somehow there was a lot of underexposure, noise and banding in this shot.
(I think I left the camera on Manual in the setting with the studioflashlights)
But the result was stunning and interesting don't you think?
Some finetuning with levels and contrast, eh voila!

zaterdag, april 07, 2007

Spring is here!

Il Primavera

woensdag, april 04, 2007

It's Finished, it's finito, completo

'My Boudoir", My Hobby/Workroom/Office/Librairy/Study has finally come to its conclusion...
Months of work have gone into it...
Today I put the clock on the wall, (see it?)
And here it is!
The Work is Done!

This is my Room, my Castle, my Life, My Everything!!
(Splattering loads of saliva all over my 24inch LCD...)
Blrrmmblgrfffchtsssss .....aaarch....bof.

dinsdag, april 03, 2007

It's Old, it's Red,

It's Beautifull!

maandag, april 02, 2007

Ferrari F40!!

Tabeltop-photography of miniature ...not the real thing...

zondag, april 01, 2007

One for Maxime...

Italy, Toscane, too long ago...

Contrasts in Pisa..

The Faithfull, The Faithless and The Law...all in Chains...
A pic from the shoebox...